Contributed papers to the symposium may be written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. An extended abstract (at most 500 words, in any of these languages) of the paper must be submitted by March 31st, 2025 to the organizing committee. Submissions must be made by e-mail only to the following address:
Abstracts must give enough detail to allow the scientific committee to assess the merits of the work. Please do not include pictures or graphics in the abstract. References to other works should be avoided, but if necessary, must be included in the body of the text. Authors using mathematical symbols are encouraged to submit tex versions of their abstracts. Please include a separate identification page with the author’s name, e-mail, professional category (professor, associate professor, researcher, or student), and full institutional address. Please, when submitting, send both the source file (.doc, .rtf, .tex, etc.) and a pdf version. When preparing the final programme, the Organizing Committee will assume that the paper will be presented in the same language in which the abstract was written.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 15th, 2025. Abstracts will be available for participants by the time of the conference. Papers having more than one author must have at least one of the authors registered for presentation.
Contributed papers will be invited for submission (in full version) to a special issue of Principia. A call for papers with further information will be released during the Symposium.
The following ANPOF Workgroups (GTs) will have sessions during Principia. To submit your abstract to a GT session, please contact the GT chair.
- GT Epistemologia Analítica (José Leonardo Ruivo)
- GT Ética (Vitor Sommavilla)
- GT Filosofia da Ciência (Jorge Molina)
- GT Filosofia das Ciências Formais (César Frederico dos Santos)
- GT Filosofia das Ciências Físicas (Eduardo Simões)
- GT Filosofia da Mente & Informação (Marcos Antonio Alves)
- GT Filosofia da Neurociência (Osvaldo Pessoa Jr.)
- GT Lógica (click here for instructions)
- GT Metafísica Analítica (Rhamon de Oliveira Nunes)
- GT Teorias da Justiça (Odair Camati)