Ninth Principia

International Symposium





Possible worlds and their applications in philosophy and the sciences


August 17-20, 2015, Florianopolis (Brazil)


NEL - Epistemology and Logic Research Group



Instructions for the Submission of Papers for publication


Program   / Abstracts

Slides of presentations


The Ninth Principia International Symposium will be held in  Florianopolis, Brazil, from August 17th to 20th, 2015, focusing on possible worlds and their applications in philosophy and the sciences. Possible worlds have been widely used in many areas of philosophy, in particular, in metaphysics, philosophy of language, philosophy of physics, and philosophical logic. We welcome contributions that address any aspect of the significance of possible worlds or that examine critically their use in philosophy or in the interpretation of the sciences. 


The eight previous symposia in this series have been devoted, respectively,  to Principles in Philosophy and in the Sciences (1999), The Philosophy  of Bertrand Russell (2001), The Philosophy of Willard van Orman Quine  (2003), The Philosophy of Donald Davidson (2005),  The Philosophy of Bas van Fraassen (2007), Charles Darwin and his impact on philosophy and the sciences (2009), The Philosophy of Nelson Goodman  (2011) and The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam (2013).


This Symposium is being organized by the Epistemology and Logic Research Group (NEL-UFSC), in association with Principia, and supported by the Graduate Program in Philosophy and the Philosophy Department of Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil.



Invited Speakers

André Leclerc (Federal University of Ceara)

Christopher Menzel (Texas A&M University)

Guido Imaguire (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Jean-Yves Béziau (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

Jeffrey Barrett (University of California, Irvine)

John Divers (University of Leeds)

Marco Ruffino (State University of Campinas)

Newton da Costa (Federal Univsersity of Santa Catarina)

Otávio Bueno (University of Miami)

Roberta Ballarin (University of British Columbia)




Organizing Committee

Cezar Mortari, chair

Jonas Becker Arenhart, secretary

Otavio Bueno

Jaimir Conte



Scientific Committee

Otavio Bueno, chair

John Divers

Christopher Menzel

Guido Imaguire

Marco Ruffino



General Program

Besides the main session about possible worlds, we are also planning to have, as usual, parallel sessions dealing with the following subjects:

* Philosophy and History of Science,

* Logic and Philosophy of Language,

* Epistemology,

* Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind.

* Ethics, metaethics and applied ethics



Submission format

Contributed papers to the symposium can be written in English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish. An extended abstract (about 500 words, in any of these languages) of the paper must be submitted by March 15, 2015 to the organizing committee. Submissions must be made by e-mail only to the following address:


Abstracts must give enough detail to allow the scientific committee to assess the merits of the work. Please, include an identification page with the author's name, e-mail, his/her  professional category (professor, associate professor, researcher, or  student), and full institutional address.


Papers submitted by undergraduate students, even if in collaboration  with their supervisors or other professionals, will not be accepted.


Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by April 10, 2015. Abstracts will be available for participants by the time of the conference. 


Contributed papers will be invited for submission (in full version) to a  special issue of Principia (


Accepted papers



Participation Fees


BR$ 240.00 until May 31, 2015

BR$ 280.00 until June 30, 2015

BR$ 320.00 up to the days of the symposium



BR$ 120.00 until May 31, 2015

BR$ 140.00 until June 30, 2015

BR$ 160.00 up to the days of the symposium



Transportation and hotels

Please, be in touch with our travel agent, Campus Turismo, for information about flights and hotels in Florianópolis.



PraiaturFlorianópolis – SC, Brazil


For further information, see or contact the organizing committee (



Supported by



NEL – Epistemology and Logic Research Group.

Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC, Brazil


9th principia international Symposium

Epistemology and logic research group